Add People in Users


The Add People button is used to add a person to your website that will appear on the Members Page. We have two options of getting these people added to the site. Option one is to enter the person’s First Name, Last Name and Email and option two is to use Import from CSV.

To add a person manually,

  1. Click on Users then click on Add People
  2. Once the window opens type in the person's First Name, Last Name and Email. Press the enter key.
  3. Enter in the next person or click Add to add the person into the system

To add a person using Import from CSV,

  1. Click on Users then Add People
  2. Click on Download CSV Template to download the import file
  3. Open the file and add in the people that you wish to invite. Once you have that done save the file.
  4. Back in Unite click on Import From CSV and select the CSV file that you just saved and click on Open. This will add all the people to the User List.
  5. Click on Add to add them into the system.
