Pages Overview


The Pages admin tool is used to create new categories and pages as well as manage them.

There are two main sections in the Pages tool.

  • Active Menu Items—displays current active menu items, including categories, pages, and the status for pages (member only or draft). These are the items that will be visible to users when they visit your site. You can move items from this side to the Available Menu Items side.
  • Available Menu Items—shows your available menu items, including created pages and categories and the status tied to those pages. Items in the list are hidden from users of the site. You can move items from this side to the Active Menu Items side to add those pages or categories to your site.

To move items between the Active Menu Items and Available Menu Items,

  1. Click the page or category that you want to move.
  2. While still holding down your mouse, drag the item to its correct position. Release the mouse when the item is in the correct position.
  3. Click the “Save Changes” button to record these changes.
