Failed Email Delivery


When looking at the Email Log, you may notice that some emails have failed to get to their recipient. 

Email failures will fit into one of two categories.

  • Temporary Fail -  The email was not received the first time it was sent. The relay will try to resend the email every fifteen minutes to attempt to resolve the problem. After a set amount of times, the failure will be listed as permanent.
  • Permanent Fail -  The email was rejected by the recipient’s email server.

Permanent fails typically happen for one of three different reasons, and the reason will be listed by permanent fail.


This means that there was something wrong with the receiving email address at some point when an email was being delivered from Church360 Unite.

This may mean that the receiving email inbox was full at the time of delivery, or there may have been an outage in the email service.

Regardless of what the reason may be, we ask that an administrator of your Church360 Unite send the user an email outside of Church360 Unite, asking the owner of the email address to send a message from their address to, asking for a technician to lift their suppression. 

Once the address owner receives confirmation from CTS Support, they will be able to receive emails again.


This message means that the user of the receiving email clicked the link that appears at the bottom of each email sent out from Church360 Unite to unsubscribe them from receiving future emails from Church360 Unite that your church sends out.

If a user of that email address would like to resubscribe, please ask the owner of that email address to log in to Church360 Unite and open their personal settings.

From here, there is a section titled "Email Subscription Preferences", and they can toggle which emails they would like to receive from the church.


This message means that the user, or the email service they use has marked a message that came from Church360 Unite as spam.

Sometimes, this is something that an email service will do automatically.

To fix this, and prevent it in the future, we ask that the user of the email address whitelist the domain.

For instructions on how to do this for some of the most popular email providers, check out our article on Email Whitelisting.