The “Themes” link displays a list of the current themes that are available as well as actions for selected themes. We currently have 12 themes available for selection.
- Browse - is used to select a theme for your Church 360° Unite Website. There are also “Actions For Selected Themes”. These include “Save As” and “Delete”.
- Save As - this will allow you to save a theme for customization (gives you access to edit)
- Delete - allows you to delete any themes that you have saved. You will not be able to delete any of the default themes.
To select / update your website theme,
1. Click “Themes” on the admin bar.
2. Select the “Browse” tab on the left side of the window.
3. Select the theme you want to use.
4. Click the “Apply Theme” button to start using the new theme.
Note: The Minimal and Vertical themes do not support sub navigation (categories).