Texting Opt-In


The Texting Opt-In screen is where you can see the people within your congregation who have accepted the invitation to receive text messages, and the phone numbers they have responded from.

The Texting Opt-In screen consists of three columns.

  • The first is the name the person responded under when responding to the invitation email.
  • The next column is the phone number they chose to have the confirmation text message sent to from their invitation email.
  • The final column shows what person record this information is synced up with in Church360 Unite. If there is nothing filled in under the third column, the phone number the person entered doesn't match the data you have entered for a person's cell phone in their profile, and will need to be matched manually.

To link a member to an opted-in number,

  1. Click on the Activity Tab, and select "Texting Opt-In"
  2. On the record that needs to be synced, in the third column, click on the dash where there should be a name for that record
  3. In the drop list, select the person record this information should be matched up with.
  4. Click the "Link" button.
