Hannah Osborne
Activity overview
Latest activity by Hannah Osborne-
Hannah Osborne created an article, Moderate Comments on a Group Page
If a comment in your discussion thread needs to be edited or deleted, or you wish to reply to a specific comment, you can do so from the discussion page. Go to your group’s page, and click the “Di...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Requests to Join a Group
Visitors can request to join the group as long as you have your group preferences set to only people you have invited can join. Go to your group's page and click the "Members" link on the right si...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Add or Invite People to a Group Page
You can invite new members to join your online community by adding them to your group’s page to give them access to discussions, events, and updates. Go to your group’s page, and click the “Member...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Edit a Group Page's Content
Editing the content on your group’s page allows you to update information, add special announcements, and highlight new opportunities. Only Administrators, Publishers and Group Leaders are able to ...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Edit Group Preferences and Visibility
You can edit your group’s preferences from your group’s page. Preferences include title, description, pages, visibility, who can join, and the option to delete the group. Navigate to your group’s ...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Delete People from a Group Page
If your group’s members change, you can delete members so they no longer have access to the page. Go to your group’s page, and click the “Members” link on the right side of the page. Find the grou...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Comment on a Group Page
Within a group on Church360° Unite, you can have private discussion threads where members can post updates, prayer requests, or discussions. Go to your group's page and click the "Discussion" link...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Groups Page
In Church360° Unite, you can create private pages for groups, allowing members of your site to interact with each other in online discussions. It's easy to add or invite new members; users can also...
Hannah Osborne created an article, How do I sign out?
To ensure that no one accesses your site from your account, it’s important to sign out of your site after you’re done editing. Click the “Sign out” link under the search bar. Alternatively, you ca...
Hannah Osborne created an article, Insert an HTML block
If you have knowledge of HTML, you can edit the code of the text and images in a cell. On the page you want to edit, click on Edit Page to turn edit mode on. Click the Edit Page tab on the left ha...